workplace accident will hit home harder are likely Not because people are naturally averse to the word itself or the idea of being safe. I mean no one leaves home in the morning looking to kill or maim themselves or someone else by the day’s end. No, rather the opposite is the case, everyone desires nothing more than to return home safe and sound to their loved ones at the end of each day, whether from work, play or social engagements. Question then is why do we sometimes do things that endanger us and others around us? Things as mundane as not wearing seat belts, motorcycle crash helmets, driving within speed limits, using the mobile phone while driving, reading while descending or ascending the stairs and so on. Why? My guess is because safety is an intangible quantity, namely, we can’t touch it nor see it. We take it for granted until there is a change of state like when one is injured, something is broken or some emergency occurs resulting in some severe loss. Then safety becom...