Emergencies are a part of life and they can happen anytime whether at work, home, on the road or in your community. So preparing for them ahead of time is the only sure way to take the sting out of what impact or effect they may be packing wherever, wherever. For an office block for example your Emergency Response Plan (ERP) should include the following: * Begin by drawing up emergency evacuation plans for each floor and make sure that they are conspicuously displayed for all to see * Ensure they are simple and easy to read and understand * Boldly mark the location of exits and fire/emergency appliances clearly * Appoint designated Fire/Emergency Wardens or Superintendents for each floor and assign specific emergency roles/duties * Train all occupants on orderly evacuation of the building in an emergency and post directional signs to designated safe muster zones for head count * Train occupants to avoid the temptation of trying to retrieve or save their valuables ...