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Showing posts from September, 2015


Personal Responsibility Responsibility is not just a word. It isn’t supposed to be but in workplaces around the globe, quite a number of people don’t seem to want to know any different. Or how do you explain the recurrence of avoidable errors in most industrial premises, factories, construction and other work sites?   Little things It is the little things that people overlook which account for the greater losses at the end of the day. Oftentimes, we expect that the ‘BIG’ problems are it, and we expect they are meant for someone else further up the line to take care of. We forget to reckon with the fact that put together, the everyday routine, ‘insignificant’ errors and violations are by far heavier in reach and impact than that one big bang’ of an occurrence which may never happen. These so-called insignificant events are responsible for most of business losses even though most business owners may not know it because they, more often than not, are looking in the wrong pla...


If you haven’t got communication, you’ve got nothing Communication is the vehicle of the safety trade or any trade for that matter. Clear cut communication is to safety management what a navigation compass is to a sailor, for without it plans for safe operations can go several degrees off course. Poor or no safety communication creates a fertile ground for varied rules interpretation, abuse and ultimately, widespread noncompliance. The more employees work with their own rules or outside laid down procedures in a particular workplace, the more susceptible to loss-producing and injury incidents that workplace will experience over the course of time. Looking to see why these incidents occur often reveal how easily some of them could have been nipped in the bud if only everyone in the loop could have compared notes prior. Share your knowledge Passing around available safety-critical information and openly sharing knowledge across all levels of supervision doesn’t hurt anyone, sy...

The Bad Tempered Driver

Do you know that one of the biggest hazards on our roads is the growing number of discourteous drivers? These drivers tailgate, pass improperly, cut other motorists off, honk their horns unnecessarily, weave through traffic, form extra lanes, and flash their lights to get others out of the way, and sometimes respond inappropriately to perceived affront. Some drivers can lose ever so easily Insignificant incidents such as parking space disputes, fender benders, obscene gestures, loud music, and overuse of the horn or failure to use a turn signal can lead to violent confrontations. To become a more courteous driver, experts recommend: ·          Use the passing lane only when passing. ·          Signal before switching. ·          Allow plenty of space between your car and the car in front; don’t tailgate. ·       ...

Put your best food forward

Where and how do I begin? Not a few self employed CEOs have said to me in the past that they had no clue how  to set up for HSE in their businesses, so today I have decided to point them in the right direction with this model. I do hope they and others like them find it useful to their aspirations, aims and objectives. Enjoy it and don't forget to share your impressions with us. Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems - HSE MS Setting up some kind of management systems to have manage safety in the business is where to begin. It doesn’t have to be a massive organization or set up but it must have key elements embedded to ensure all angles are covered, including reviews for continuous improvements. Besides, management systems must be tailored to fit the organization. There’s no point in producing volumes and volumes of safety management manuals in small and medium sized companies or enterprises when a one-page document would do the trick. The key requiremen...